
Play 4 Skills

Play 4 healthy lifestyles

Play 4 the future

Play 4 creativity

Play 4 fun Play 4 values

Play 4×4

Why play for the future?

  • Play equips children with the 21st century skills needed for the ever-changing world
  • Many of the careers of the future require the ‘soft’ skills that play can give children

Examples of the play for the future

  • Digital play alongside physical play can boost children’s technological knowledge and prepare them for future challenges in education and at work
  • Structured play such as board games or outdoor games allow children to develop valuable problem-solving skills required for challenges that will come in the future
  • STEM play can give children the belief that they can go on to have a career in science and technology

Play skills & policy

  • New innovative and technological play spaces should prepare children for the future
  • Invest in educational programs to encourage play and the benefits
  • Provide children with the opportunity to have equal play, so they can be inspired to go into STEM careers etc.